Source code for onebot

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Main onebot class and the command line runner"""
import locale

import irc3

__author__ = 'Thom Wiggers'
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '0.1.0'

class OneBot(irc3.IrcBot):
    """Main class, extensions of IrcBot"""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.defaults['nick'] = 'OneBot'
        self.defaults['realname'] = 'OneBot'
        self.defaults['userinfo'] = 'IRC bot in python'
        self.defaults['cmdchar'] = '.'
        self.defaults['url'] = ''
        self.defaults['ctcp']['version'] = 'OneBot {version}'
        self.defaults['version'] = __version__

        if 'locale' in kwargs:
            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, kwargs['locale'])

        super(OneBot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

[docs]def run(argv=None): # pragma: no cover """Run OneBot from a config file Usage: onebot [options] <config>... Options:: --logdir DIRECTORY Log directory to use instead of stderr --logdate Show datetimes in console output -r,--raw Show raw IRC log on the console -v,--verbose Increase verbosity -d,--debug Add debug commands/utils """ import sys import docopt import textwrap import os from irc3 import utils, config args = argv or sys.argv[1:] args = docopt.docopt(textwrap.dedent(run.__doc__), args) cfg = utils.parse_config('bot', *args['<config>']) cfg.update( verbose=args['--verbose'], debug=args['--debug']) if args['--logdir'] or 'logdir' in cfg: logdir = os.path.expanduser(args['--logdir'] or cfg.get('logdir')) OneBot.logging_config = config.get_file_config(logdir) bot = OneBot.from_config(cfg) if argv: return bot